Friday 1 December 2006

Marin Winter Series - Thetford

Last sunday saw the first round of this series. I've ridden at Thetford many times but not given this race a go so thought it about time. Preparation was not ideal - Jo and I were at Tim's party the night before and didn't crash out until 3:00 am. An early start of 6.00am for the 140 mile drive left me feeling pretty shaky on the start line!
Once we got going though the race was excellent, lots of fine twisty singletrack linked with stretches of fireroad and three bombholes - Real bombholes at thetford t00 :o) I came 18th in the male 4hour solo and Jo 9th. Both pretty good results but you have to wonder how we might have done with better preparation.

Unfortunately this effort left my defences low and the kids' virus that I've been avoiding for the last few days finally got me and I spent most of that night locked in the bathroom. At least I made it home before the symptoms kicked in!