Tuesday 23 August 2005

Been a bit quiet lately

Well, it's like this....

about a month ago I decided to give that Paul McKenna fella a go. I've been feeling a bit 'flat' lately. Not exactly depressed but unmotivated and pesimistic so thought I could do with some kind of pick me up. Got that 'Change your life in 7 days' book and a couple of days in and the results were fantastic. It seemed to act as a wake up call and next thing I'd stopped arsing about on the internet when I should be working and before you know it my jobs suddenly going well again. Next up I made a start on properly sorting out my house, taking stuff to the dump, decorating, tidying up etc. It's been great, I've got more done in the last few weeks than I've managed in years. Only slight problem I've had is controlling the amount of enthusiam. It's good to get stuff done but not clever to be wide awake at 4 in the morning pondering how best to reorganise the kitchen cupboards! Still, think I'm getting it under control a bit now.

The cycling has suffered while this has been going on but never mind I'll get back to it when I'm ready.

Tonight in fact. :o)