Saturday 29 October 2005

Life, don't talk to me about life....

This Is My Life, Rated
Take the Rate My Life Quiz

What does that tell me then? Nothing I didn't already know...

Sunday 23 October 2005

Not a bad days work!

Wow, I'm feeling smug!

Ok, so I completely failed to get out for a ride this morning - I was tired ok? But I've made up for it by COMPLETELY clearing my cellar! Now this may not sound that impressive to the casual passerby, but understand that I bought this house more than 12 years ago and it has been rented out to 3 different household along the way. And at no time has it received more than a light dusting. Believe me if hercules was alive today his fifth labour would have been to clear my cellar.

Anyway it is now sorted and swept and well...a positive asset where I can store bicycles, tools, tins of paint etc and STOP THEM cluttering up the house. Fan'kin'tastic!

So, after that I went for a run. Did my usual beach circuit which at my best last year I managed in about 28 minutes. Was vaguely hoping to try and get it under 30 this time but not expecting too much. Checked my HRM at the end and I'd only gone and done it in 26:23! Looking good for the 10K this year - maybe I'll finally get that elusive sub 40 minute time. :o)

Thursday 20 October 2005

Early literary promise!

I've decide to publish some of my earliest work. Starting with this opus from 1976 entitled:

A chapter of accidents
one day a man namd Mr henry potter was cooking hiS Supper when it began to rain and the washing was getting wet. he ran out and got the washing in But as ran in he Triped over Shoelace and droped the washing in a puddle. he picked it up again and ran inside and washed it and left it on the draning board. When he had finished his supper was burnt. So he went of to the shops to buy Something for his supper he bout some sasages and went of home but the sausages were hanging out of the Suitcase and Some dogS ran after him and tried to get sausages he pushed sausage in his suitcase and ran home and cooked them and et them and went to bed

I've tried to maintain as much of the original feel as possible but naturally some of the sheer visceral energy of the prose is lost in the transfer from the original HB on paper. Superficially it appears to be a simple tale of one man and some sausages but clearly there are far more universal themes involved here. Mr henry potter (Note, short sighted teacher had 'corrected' this name by capitalizing it when clearly the lowercase is used to underline the everyman nature of the protagonist) ...Anyway hp is a man with simple needs. He needs sustenance he needs clean dry clothing and he needs somewhere safe to lay his head. Basically he just want to enjoy a nice hot sausage in comfort and get a good nights kip. But everywhere he is thwarted! First by the the loathsome 'Shoelace' - Possibly an old and feared enemy, possibly merely a malicious interloper - we are left to wonder for ourselves. Then the weather, the weather of course representing any number of the inexorable challenges that face us all daily. Then the dogss. Damn them THE DOGS, always slathering at your ankles, just waiting for the chance to sink their fangs in and

Oh look, time for bed. Night all!


Saturday 8 October 2005


Blimey, bit slack aren't I?

Been busy like, trying to sell stuff on ebay, working, riding bikes (a bit)! I'll be back with a proper update soon. Meanwhile here's a picture of a boy with a football for a head.
