Wednesday 15 February 2006

Brighton Beacon Half-Marathon

Oops, I seem to be doing this this weekend! I wasn't down to but Ian has had to drop out due to a broken fingernail or something so I'm filling his shoes for this one. Actually this will make a nice warm up for the Steyning Stinger a couple of weeks later.


UPDATE: Well, that wasn't too bad. Weather wasn't good, overcast, drizzly and with a headwind all the way on the longest straight section (about 6 miles). Still, ran it in 1:45:59 which is pretty much what I expected. Don't even feel too bad today, bit achey but nothing too serious. Looking good for the Stinger in a couple of weeks. :o)

Some rather small and rather expensive pics here


  1. "Fun runners are encouraged to come in Fancy Dress – Ballerina’s, Clowns, Sailors, Pirates, lots of sparkle and glitter all adds to the atmosphere of the day!"

    Where's the fun? It's a half marathon! Perhaps you could do the hitcher thing though.

  2. Hmm, Well I had no intention of dressing up but a pirate costume would please The Flying Spaghetti Monster.


  3. Gav. Do it in that little Pink number.
    It suits you.

  4. Ooh, I couldn't do that - that's a cycling specific Pinny. I'd look ridiculous!

  5. GWF! Suitably impressed, especially given the adverse weather conditions.

  6. Yup, am hoping for a frost overnight to freeze any mud solid followed by a cold but bright morning.

    Test rode the route last weekend. 'Hilly' would be the overwhelming impression. :o)

  7. Good luck tomorrow, Gavin! :-)

  8. Very good, proper report 'soon' when I've gathered some pics.

